Sigrid Tutschka

Sigrid Tutschka

geb. Haupt
* 02.04.1955
† 21.09.2008 in Glonn
Erstellt von Heinz Erhard

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Neueste Einträge (10)



Entzündet am 22.09.2014 um 23:17 Uhr

What I meant to say was... How can I possibly say good-bye to the person who was the first to hold me, the first to feed me, and the first to make me feel loved? From a distance I watch you move about, doing the mundane tasks that to everyone else seem so routine.



Entzündet am 22.09.2014 um 23:16 Uhr

the structure that made my world a safe and comfortable place to grow. All that I am and all that I have can be traced back to is you. Whatever accomplishments I have made along the way would not have occurred without first believing in myself. And you, you were the person who always believed in me.



Entzündet am 22.09.2014 um 23:14 Uhr

Now on my own, I am amazed at the number of times I hear your words flow from my mouth. This ventriloquistic phenomenon was at first most irritating, but now warms me as I’ve come to understand that there is a part of you that will live on in me forever.



Entzündet am 22.09.2014 um 23:13 Uhr

When time parted us, I prayed that you will reach across from the other side to again touch my face and whisper into my ear. For your warm and gentle presence in my life...for this, I will always be most thankful. Yes, Mother, you inspire me!


Gedenken an Sigrid Tutschka und Martta Seitsonen

17.09.2013 um 12:54 Uhr von Chris

Am 21.09.13 findet in der Kirche der Adventgemeinde Rostock, Johannesweg 1 in Rostock, eine Messe mit Erinnerung an zwei außergewöhnlicher Menschen statt. Im Gebet wird diesen beiden heimgerufenen Töchter in Gott der gebührende Respekt geschenkt, den sie Zeit Lebens verdient haben.


Bereits am 18.09.13 wird im Gebetskreis der Gemeinde gedacht. 


Dies als Danksagung im Namen Christian Tutschkas und Kari Seitsonens zum Anlass des 5. Todestag bzw. Begräbnis (zeitgleich Finnland, Samstag 12.00h) Ihrer geliebten Mütter.



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